Homeschool KIDS Group Events

The Homeschool KIDS Group is a lively and friendly community for homeschooling families who love to connect, learn, and have fun! We host at least one event every day of the week on Heylo, featuring things like fun book clubs, exciting field trips, helpful classes, and social get-togethers. We’re proud to create a supportive and active space for families who homeschool. Check out some of our recent activities to see the great experiences we’re creating for homeschoolers!

Annual Spring Field Day 2024!

Recent Events

Students took a guided tour to learn more about the National Historic Landmark!

Parents and Students enjoyed a guided tour to learn about everything that goes on behind the scenes at a news station!

Students learned about money management from expert accountants!
Upcoming Events

Take part in a hands-on 3D Printing class for beginners!
Past Events
2024 Homeschool Events

2023 Homeschool Events

2022 Homeschool Events