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Homeschool KIDS Group Policies


Members who violate one or more of the group policies risk losing their HSKG membership.


RSVPS to Events:


• Please consider your RSVP a commitment to attend.


• When signing up to attend an event, add your children as “guests” to your RSVP (unless the event host instructs otherwise).


• Do not attend events you are not signed up to attend.


• HSKG does not have drop-off events.


• Members are expected to participate by attending events periodically.


• Parents/guardians should sign up for events only if their students will attend with them, unless the event is marked "Teachers Only."





• Parents are responsible for their children's behavior and saftey. It is each member's obligation to ensure their children are maintaining appropriate boundaries and not causing other students to miss trip content.


• Be mindful that, through our conduct at events, we are representing not only the Homeschool KIDS Group but the homeschool community.


• Members are encouraged to resolve conflict with other members directly and privately. However, if any instances of behavior that could be deemed berating, hateful, or threatening in nature are observed at or in relation to an official HSKG event, we request that they be brought to the attention of an organizer for a timely resolution. 


• Members are expected to respect the requirements set forth by a venue, host and/or event organizer. 


• By submitting a request to join, members acknowledge their intention is to actively participate in HSKG activities rather than utilizing its resources for event conceptualization in other contexts.



Cancelations and No-Shows:


• Members are required to provide AT LEAST 24 hours notice if they need to cancel an RSVP. If an unforeseeable emergency or illness prevents you from attending an event please notify the Event Organizer as soon as you are able.


When an RSVP'd member does not attend an event and has failed to provide 24 hours notice and/or explain their absence to the Event Organizer this is called a No-Show. No-shows cost venues, hosts and event organizers their time and resources. Other families could miss out on opportunities if there is a waitlist for an event. When cancelations or no-shows become habitual for a member their HSKG membership will be revoked.



Paid Events and Refunds:


• Membership dues are nonrefundable.


• If you sign up for a paid field trip payment is due when you RSVP.


• Refunds for paid events will be issued if an event is canceled. EFFECTIVE 5/15/2023: There are NO REFUNDS for PAID EVENTS unless the event is canceled, if you cannot attend you will need to find someone on the event waitlist or in our group to sell your tickets/admissions/passes to. Tickets cannot be sold to Homeschoolers outside of HSKG unless it is approved by the event host.




Members (adults and/or minors) that are experiencing any of the following should not attend HSKG events:


1. Fever of 100.4 or higher (must be fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours prior to attending).

2. Diarrhea, vomiting or nausea within the last 24 hours.

3. Virus, infection, or rash (known to be contagious).

4. Head lice (all in family must remain home until treatment is completed and situation has resolved).

5. Positive COVID-19 test.

Sick members who come to an event will be asked to go home.


Image Consent:


By registering for any Homeschool KIDS Group event, class, field trip or activity, permission is granted to use any photographs/videos taken by Event Organizers to be posted to our private Heylo photo albums and/or Vimeo videos used on our website and public facing Heylo page.


If you would like to opt out of photos please notify a member of the lead team.


No Soliciting:


Soliciting is to approach with a request, usually advertising/discussing ones services and is against HSKG Policies.



Inactive Accounts:


Members who are not actively participating in HSKG events will be removed to ensure the safety of our community and to prevent future dues auto-drafts. If removed, you're always welcome to rejoin when ready to participate!



If you have a homeschool event or class you would like to post to our group calendar please message a member of the lead team directly.






Homeschool Kids Group Liability Waiver


I understand that my participation in HSKG activities and events is voluntary and involves certain risks. By participating, I assume all risks and agree to the following:


1. Risks: I acknowledge the potential risks associated with HSKG activities, including personal injury, property damage, illness, and acts of third parties.


2. Release of Liability: I agree not to hold HSKG volunteers or venue hosts liable for any damages, losses, diseases, or injuries that may occur during HSKG events or activities, including those caused by HSKG organizers, volunteers, participants, or third parties.


3. Indemnification: I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless HSKG, its organizers, volunteers, affiliates, agents, and associated entities from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses arising from my participation in HSKG activities, including personal injury, property damage, actions or conduct, acts of third parties, and non-compliance with HSKG policies/guidelines.


4. Binding Agreement: This liability waiver is a binding agreement. By participating, I acknowledge that I have read and understood this waiver and agree to its terms. I have had the opportunity to seek independent legal advice regarding this waiver before agreeing to it.


Please note that this waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the activities take place. If any portion of this waiver is held invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.


By participating in HSKG activities and events, I confirm my agreement to this liability waiver.

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